RADICAL books about the authentic pursuit of Jesus Christ...
authored by Jeff Smith

Why Are My Books Free? Because you can't put a price on Jesus!

PDF versions of my books are FREE! I didn't write them to make money. I wrote them for one reason: to help people "authentically" get to know God better. I have no other agenda besides than that. Just click the link, and the PDF version is yours to read and/or share with others.

Are Most "Christians" Headed to Hell? A Wake-Up Call for EVERY Christian

Left-click to get the Free PDF Version Here

This book focuses on the necessity of hearing God's voice, and the eternal implications of NOT truly having an intimate relationship with Him.

When the Fire Spreads What Happens When Spiritual Warefare and the Holy Spirit Show Up at Church

Left-click to get the Free PDF Version Here

This book focuses on the gifts of the Spirit, and the responses people often have when He shows up.

"As You Were" The Cancer that is killing Christians and the Church

Left-click to get the Free PDF Version Here

This book focuses on all the excuses we make for avoiding an authentic relationship with Almighty God, while at the same time trying to convince ourselves that we do have a relationship with Him.

Coming Soon: Through the Noise Pursuing Authentic Communication with God

Our lives are full of noise! How can we hear the "still small voice" of God through all the static in our lives? This book provides the answer, and will help you enter into true intimacy with Almighty God.

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The Fine Print: We call ourselves "Christians", but ...

My books, very unapologetically, present the radical truth of Scripture, and what a truly authentic relationship with God looks like. Unfortunately, the "authenic" pursuit of Jesus typically isn't very authentic for most Christians these days. In far too many cases, the message being sold by today's churches doesn't match the Biblical model. "Traditions of men" are given far more credance than Scripture, under the silly excuse: "It is what we have always been taught." What's worse is that far too many Pastors and Christians believe a relationship with Jesus Christ is achieved by reading the Bible, while the very Bible they are reading says otherwise! The Scriptural words of Jesus are often ignored, and the whole Christian experience is being watered down by an hors d'oeuvres approach: "I'll have a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Oh no, that doesn't agree with me, so I don't want any of that." Sadly, this approach is taken by too many pastors, as well. It is any wonder that the Holy Spirit doesn't show up very much, if at all, anymore? If you TRULY desire a closer relationship with God, then you MUST read these books. If not, don't bother. They will only frustrate you.